Hello, I'm David Streever, a media executive, award-winning journalist, author and programmer.
I'm the Director of Digital Product and strategy for WXXI in Rochester, NY. I've led and created digital teams that have made a big impact in traditional media.
Before journalism, I developed content management system sites for major corporations and startups. I've also written travel guides for bicyclists, and have a few non-fiction book projects I'm pitching.
I'm always excited to talk bikes, journalism, books or digital transformation. Please email me if you want to get in touch.
Latest Projects
Our reporters have been covering the confusion around house reassessments, tax rates, and state tax laws, so I developed this tax calculator widget to help local people understand their tax bill - and support our newsroom and reporters: live example.

Featured Stories
Freedom to flourish: Tressie McMillan Cottom on leaving VCU for North Carolina
Author, sociologist and MacArthur Fellow Tressie McMillan Cottom on leaving Virginia Commonwealth University to the University of North Carolina.
Safer at Home: Evicted during a pandemic
I edited this story and developed a stand-alone website for this collaboration. We won best multimedia reporting from the Public Media Journalists Association and the Associated Press.
Citizen Scientist: A magazine profile of Virginia's climate scientist
For Richmond Magazine, I profiled Jeremy Hoffman, then climate scientist and soon-to-be chief scientist at the Science Museum of Virginia.
Police tear gas and charge crowd before curfew begins
This story, which chronicled a shocking tear gassing by police, won best breaking news from the Public Media Journalists Association.